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Group Counseling

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Group

Most people who go through a traumatic event may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and good self-care, they usually get better. If the symptoms get worse and last for months or even years, and those symptoms are now interfering with your day-to-day functioning, there is a possibility you may have PTSD.

Metropolitan Behavioral Services offers a ten-week PTSD group that offers a mix of psychoeducation and therapy. Each week’s topic builds on the previous weeks, and participants also receive homework assignments to explore on their own. Then, the group leader facilitates discussion and processing of the homework at the next session. Past groups have had some weeks where there is primarily an information focus and others that are more process-oriented, so the program structure can vary based on the group's needs.

As for fees, Metropolitan Behavioral Services accepts most insurances and most will cover the PTSD group. For self-pay clients, the cost is $40/session.

Substance Abuse Group

The Metropolitan Behavioral Services substance abuse group curriculum modules span 16 to 20 weekly sessions which cover a variety of useful topics to ensure long-term sobriety. Topics include: understanding thoughts about shame and guilt; learning and creating positive coping mechanisms; how perceptions could compromise treatment and lead to relapse; understanding co-occurring disorders; recognizing signs of addictions; eliminating exceptions and excuses; setting reasonable expectations; reducing relational conflicts; restoration through forgiveness; establishing a support network; transforming life through positive thoughts, and many more.  

Metropolitan Behavioral Services accepts most insurances and most will cover the Substance Abuse group. For self-pay clients, the cost is $40/session.

Women Who Use Force Group

Metropolitan Behavioral Services offers group treatment for Women Who Use Force. This 20-week group is a result of a conversation that occurred after court judges began ordering battered women to participate in batterers’ intervention programs The reasons women use force against their partners differs significantly from men’s use of force in terms of motivation, intent and impact. This program aims to meet and address the unique experiences and needs of women who are involved in domestic abuse.

Metropolitan Behavioral Services accepts most insurances and most will cover the Women Who Use Force group. For self-pay clients, the cost is $40/session.

The Batterer’s Intervention Program (BIP)

At Metropolitan Behavioral Services, we offer a batterers intervention program for men referred by the court system. The program purports to address the root causes of domestic violence and prevent participants from committing acts of domestic violence in the future. Our service consists of an initial assessment, orientation, and at least 29-weeks of group counseling sessions.

Metropolitan Behavioral Services accepts most insurances and most will cover the Batterers Intervention Program group. For self-pay clients, the cost is $40/session.

Meet The Clinicians

Dr. Blazen Draguljic

Medical Director

Millie Sagesse


Eric Athearn


David Lee

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