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Court Ordered Services

Intimate Partner Assessment

A intimate partner assessment is used to find help for the thousands of people across the country, and around the world as well, that suffer from some form of intimate partner abuse, mistreatment, or abuse. Every day, court cases are filed, claiming that a domestic partner or spouse caused some form of bodily or mental harm to a member of the family. Knowing what to do in cases of domestic abuse or mistreatment is important, as the safety and well-being of every American citizen is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Substance Abuse Evaluation

The substance abuse assessment is two-part process. First, the individual will complete an assessment and have a face-to-face appointment with a licensed clinician, where they will address three areas of substance abuse: social use, abuse, and dependence. Then, based on the results of the evaluation, the clinician will make a recommendation for treatment.

Mental Health Evaluation

A mental health evaluation (or assessment) is a process where a professional obtains detailed information about an individual, such as strengths and weaknesses, to make an accurate diagnosis and provide recommendations for the most appropriate treatment. A mental health assessment gives a complete picture of your emotional state as an individual. It also looks at how well you can think, reason, and remember (cognitive functioning).

Anger Management Evaluation

Anger management evaluation seeks to determine not the roots of the anger as with a psychosocial assessment, but the deficiencies that come together to create problematic anger.  It provides information on an individual’s assertiveness skills, motivation to change, stress management skills, empathy, level or potential of interpersonal aggression, and the ability to set boundaries and think independently of others.

Parenting Assessment

Parenting assessors are trained by Dr. Stephen J. Bavolek in the Nurturing Parenting Program, utilizing the parent assessment and resources from the Inventory Assessment and Nurturing Program that was created and published by Dr. Bavolek. The program is designed to help the parents create a nurturing environment for their children. The assessment and parenting classes are evidence based programs for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. The prevention and intervention model offers intervention for families at risk for child maltreatment. The program also offers educational support groups and resources for families desiring to improve their parenting skills.

Batterer Intervention Program (BIP) Assessment

(Dependency and Criminal)

An assessment provides an opportunity to speak one-on-one with intimate partner abuse / Batterers Intervention specialist, who will evaluate the nature of any problems with the client. The assessment gets the client involved through discussion of biological, psychological, and social factors affecting abuse. The specialist provides a recommendation for treatment, if necessary and appropriate.

Women Who Use Force

The 20-week group is a result of a conversation that occurred after court judges began ordering battered women to participate in “Batterers’ intervention.” The reason women use force against their partners differs significantly from men’s use of force in terms of motivation, intent, and impact.

Intimate partner abuse series

Victims of intimate partner abuse suffer emotional trauma. Through this series, victims can talk about the emotional impact the abuse has had on them and their children, so the healing process can begin.

Meet The Clinicians

Dr. Blazen Draguljic

Medical Director

Millie Sagesse


Eric Athearn


David Lee

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